
Here is a list of Companies (and people) that sell all or part of the Alpha Word Game System. If you would like to be listed here please feel free to add yourself (this is a wiki after all)...if you need help feel free to ask me (TimSchutz) or RonHaleEvans. And please read the “Rules for publishing” at the bottom of the page.

Name of Company (or person)What They SellNotes
Print & Play ProductionThe complete Alpha Word Game SystemCustom Hand Made Set...8-10 weeks to arrive
The Game CrafterThe complete Alpha Word Game SystemA print on demand game company.
tjgamesThe original deck of Alpha Playing CardsStill has a few decks of Alpha Playing Cards.

Rules for publishing (selling) the Alpha Word Game System.

1.) Well there really aren't any since the Alpha Word Game System and its components are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License, this is more of a guide to follow if you want to be listed here.

2.) You do not need to ask for permission, the only permission you need to ask for is that from yourself whether you want to do this or not, and probably the person that will be funding the project if it's not you. However, if you want some help or advice from me me (TimSchutz) please feel free to ask and I will do what I can to help.

3.) Please be upfront with any potential customer who orders from you about the quality of the components, price and especially how long it will take for them to receive what they ordered.